Friday, May 19, 2006

Photo Puzzle Gift from Photojojo

The fine folks at Photojojo have put together a crafty video tutorial that results in a great photo puzzle/conversation piece/art/kid gift. All you need is a photo, rubber cement, x-acto knife, linoleum blocks and (optional) gel coat. Great results. Find it all at Photojojo (thanks to lifehacker).

Graduation gift? Father's Day gift? Late Mother's Day gift? You decide.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Gift in a Bottle

This gift idea has served me well many times over. Fill a Nalgene (or similar) bottle with items that would thrill the recipient. It is important to use the wide-mouth version to make the gifts easy to add and remove. Nalgene bottles are far superior than the colorful imitations that are on the market. They are durable and resist both freezing and boiling. My dad still uses some Nalgenes that are over 30 years old.

This is a great gift the traveler, outdoors enthusiast, or anyone who wants to be a little better prepared.

What could you fill it with?
>energy bars
>good hiking map
>small flashlight
>first-aid supplies

Of course, the contents need not be so practical...fill it with candy, money, jewelry hidden at the bottom...the contents are yours to choose.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts

So the window for overnight mail has passed and you are wondering WHAT DO I DO for Mother's Day?

Here are some ideas:

-Plant an Amaryllis bulb in stones or water. Choose an attractive vase that will outlast the flower. Go the extra mile and refill the vase with fresh flowers once it is empty.

-Still live with mom? Or maybe the mom is your house is also your wife? Then make cinnamon rolls for her and let the aroma wake her after she has slept in late. This gift will be even more precious if you involve the kids in the creation. If you are a cook then you know what to do-otherwise, go for the grocery store Pillsbury style rolls. Easy and the icing is in the can.

-Find a neighborhood spa or massage therapist. This is a two part gift. Part one is to buy a gift certificate for time or a particular service. Part two is to make sure that she actually goes. This might mean that you watch the kids/do the chores so that she goes. Better yet- driver her to the appointment and treat yourself.

-Give her your time. That is the best gift. Time at her house. Time at brunch. Time to put the screens in for summer. You know what she needs and you (may) have dodged the chores all weekend.

The folks at Sci-Fi Tech have ten more but the clock may have run out on some of these fine ideas.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Give a business card

Give a kid, or someone else, their very own business cards as a reward. is a great place to start.

Imagine an eight year old handing out their very own biz cards at the next reunion. Or use them to motivate someone to finally start that business and strike out on their own.

Mother's Day Photo Gifts-Act NOW has a slew of ideas for Mother's Day.  If you act fast and are willing to pay $$$ for shipping, here are some good bets:

Photo MugKodak's Photo Mug takes one photo and creates a collage all over the mug.  Choose either the horizontal or vertical design, upload a photo, and you are ready to go.  There are also travel mug designs and layouts that use one large image instead of the collage effect.

Kodak Calendar

 Kodak's calendars make a great gift.  Once the year has passed you can grab your scissors and you get 12 (or more) photo quality prints.