Or a young adult. Or someone with alot of friends.
A digital camera. Why? Teenagers want to take pictures of their friends and shoot video that they can upload to YouTube.
What do they want? A small camera that looks good and is easy to use.
But their phone has a camera? Sure, with a tiny lens that takes mediocre photos. Get them a real camera and they might even say thanks.
What to choose:
1) Canon Powershot SD450
- this 5 megapixel camera has been on the market long enough for the price to fall to under $250 if you shop well. Big LCD display, viewfinder, great auto mode, smaller than a deck of cards, shoots video until the card is full. I own this model and have shot over 5,000 pics of my toddler with success. Not to mention tons of web-ready video.
2) Casio Exilim EX-S600
- 6 megapixel camera wedged into Casio's credit card sized case. HUGE LCD monitor, 3X optical zoom and a variety of color choices. Legendary for compact size.
My money goes with any Canon camera. Their customer satisfaction is very high and they offer a great variety of models. The price drops as you get into larger point and shoot models.
If you are buying a digital camera then don't forget key accessories - details here. Seriously, get them an nice big memory card and some extra batteries. Oh, and a case.