Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Gift in a Bottle

This gift idea has served me well many times over. Fill a Nalgene (or similar) bottle with items that would thrill the recipient. It is important to use the wide-mouth version to make the gifts easy to add and remove. Nalgene bottles are far superior than the colorful imitations that are on the market. They are durable and resist both freezing and boiling. My dad still uses some Nalgenes that are over 30 years old.

This is a great gift the traveler, outdoors enthusiast, or anyone who wants to be a little better prepared.

What could you fill it with?
>energy bars
>good hiking map
>small flashlight
>first-aid supplies

Of course, the contents need not be so practical...fill it with candy, money, jewelry hidden at the bottom...the contents are yours to choose.

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